The Choice Point is a brilliant and simple model from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, that guides us to choose behaviours that help us create a more fulfilling life.
On the left we have "Away Moves", these are the actions that take us away from being the person we would like to be and from living the life we would like to live. We usually take away moves when we get hooked by unhelpful thoughts, memories or emotions. For example, if we were due to attend a new club, but started to feel anxious and got hooked by our anxious thoughts, we would probably avoid going to the new club, even though this was something that we wanted to do.
On the right we have "Towards Moves", these are the actions that take us towards the person we would like to be and the life we would like to live. Towards moves are aligned with our values and in ACT we focus on taking more towards moves, even when experiencing unwanted thoughts, memories or emotions. This is because taking committed actions that are in line with our values help us to build a richer, more fulfilling life. So going to the club even though we feel anxious and worried about fitting in would be a towards move.
If you'd like to learn more about how to apply the The Choice Point and ways of unhooking from unwanted thoughts, then you might like to watch my free masterclass, from Overwhelmed to In-control. You can get instant access here.
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